Are you in the market for a home in Sacramento? If so, it’s important to consider the possibility of mold in the home you are planning to buy. Although mold is often not visible to the naked eye, the consequences of its presence in a home are, unfortunately, long-lasting. Along with your complete home inspection, the experts at United Property Inspectors, Inc. recommend you schedule a mold inspection, and it’s easy to see why.

United Property Inspectors Inc and Mold Inspection

It Can Be a Health Hazard

Mold can grow anywhere there is moisture. It can be airborne or attached to a damp structure. That means it isn’t always visible to people living in a home and can cause health issues without the knowledge of the residents. According to the CDC, mold can cause skin rashes, eye irritation, respiratory problems, headaches, and flu-like symptoms. People who are elderly, the very young, or who have asthma are more prone to being affected by it. When you are purchasing a home, we suggest hiring a mold inspector to do in-wall testing, visible testing, and to check the residence for air quality.  

It Can Damage Furniture and Structures

Not only can mold be hazardous to your health, it can also cause irreparable damage to furniture or structures. When mold is out of sight, too often it’s out of mind. That means it can wreak havoc on your home. Wherever there is dampness or wetness, it’s a prime breeding ground for spores to grow, and that’s why our inspectors check every area thoroughly. It’s serious business, so with an inspection, you can be assured that the home you are purchasing is free of damage-causing mold. 

If you are planning to buy a home, don’t rely on your eyes to determine if there is mold. Trust the experienced inspectors at United Property Inspectors, Inc. to do your next mold inspection. Contact us online, or call (916) 788-1111 to schedule a mold inspection. We also do complete home inspections. Don’t gamble with mold when you buy your next home. Call us today.

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